I wonder if poor little Sophia can go ahead and get that Ice Cream cone she's been wanting?
the last sale of their most valuable asset.
I wonder if poor little Sophia can go ahead and get that Ice Cream cone she's been wanting?
so i moved out of my small town into the big city and staying with an older sister i’ve been having some fun in the big city wink wink.
but i have a good standing with the congregation in the city they are nice but don’t really pay a lot of attention to me.
i have been dating a “worldly guy” who is amazing love him but the older sister said he wasn’t allowed in the house.
"You are not the first person who made an assumption that this site was a part of the JW religion. You will find the same thing on other sites. There is a lot of anger about the WTBTS, Elders, etc. Your dating options and living arrangement..... wink wink..... are the least of our concerns."
Pinkpizza: After reading your post, I got the impression that you, like most of us here, are another former JW trying to navigate your way through the difficult waters one encounters when transitioning into the non JW life .I got the idea that you knew well what this site was about and came here for a little support from those of us in the same boat.
Or did I miss something?
Anyway, it sounds like you're well on your way out and have managed to keep things relatively intact with your family. If I have any advice to offer, it would be to be aware that as a former JW you may still be a bit too trusting of others. This is oftern the case for young and or inexperienced people and especially so for former JW's who were used to giving our trust to people we've only just met.
Even though the JW religion isn't the absolute truth in this world, there were certain protections and safeguards that came along with being part of it. Be sure not to toss all of the moral values and rules of conduct aside because you don't want to be a JW and because you mistakenly think that JW's are the only one who follow them.
When speaking of non JW's or "the world" Witnesses like compare themselves to the worst examples out there. They make it seem as if it's impossible to live a clean upstanding life unless you're "in the Truth". Often, those of us who were raised JW, have a very black and white viewpoint about this at first and assume no one but JW"s have moral standards. Some even assume that once you're not a JW, you automatically have to run out and start living some debauched lifestyle and they get themselves into some serious trouble or make some unwise choices.
Hopefully you are taking this into consideration as you adjust to life outside the "organization".
in stephen letts annual meeting talk he spent about 15min.
talking about how the garden of eden compares to our spiritual paradise that we are currently inhabiting.
he didn't mention the earthly paradise until the very last sentence.
He didn't mention the earthly paradise until the very last sentence
What exactly did he say in his very last sentence?
so one of the elders at the meeting tonight addressed to parents in his talk, “if your child wants to flip burgers for the rest of their life, because that’s is the only job that will allow them to have a schedule for full time service, you would want to support them the best you can.” he has also said told parents that if their children already have plans to go to college, even in the near future, they should try to do everything to stop them.
there’s so much ranting i could do about that alone, but to make matters worse, this is a considerably well off man.
he has his own buisness, a nice house with an additional room he added on last year, and him and his wife just took a lavish european trip.
"So one of the elders at the meeting tonight addressed to parents in his talk, “If your child wants to flip burgers for the rest of their life, because that’s is the only job that will allow them to have a schedule for full time service, you would want to support them the best you can.”
I wish I were at that meeting just so I could have raised my hand and said:
"It's easy to advise others to live in poverty when we ourselves can take expensive vacations and live in a large home with an addition".
simon, i hope this is ok to post here.. for those who dont know yesterday a terrible car accident took the life of a lovely young woman leah ryan.
she was the daughter of 2 members here who go by the names of sleeping beauty and her husband hairy he goat.. leah"s sister has started an account to help fund funeral costs.
for any wishing to donate here is the link.. https://www.gofundme.com/for-leah-my-beautiful-sisters-funeral?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=fb_co_shareflow_m&fbclid=iwar1z971joytaqnsy0zyq1_admdyxzqjpgrlf7l2-teq1nalnnqc6wcsn3pq.
Every parent's worst nightmare.
Is this the family that moved from England to Australia and back again a few years ago?
as we all know, this org has metamorphosized from one ugly creature to another continuously since it's inception.
but more so it seems in the last 30 years.. i got to thinking what my dad would think if he were to be brought to life for 5 mins to see the way things are now.
how would he even react?.
I'm sure that back in 2004 your father (like most) would have scoffed at the idea of the1914 generation dying off and this "system of things" still being here in the year 2019 and beyond.
They'd have viewed anyone who entertained such a notion as engaging in "dangerous speculation " or at the very least, they'd have considered such a person as "spiritually weak".
Those older folks back then would have quoted articles in the publications and the scriptures sited in them, to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the "system" was as good as gone.
i am trying to get in contact with clive wren from the uk.
he served in croydon, gujarati and lymington.. not sure if he is still active or not.. if he is still serving the name of his congregation would be amazing.. thanks.
Forgive me for assuming this guy is a JW just because he has a window washing business but if the shoe fits.....
yesterday i was looking to share a pic with a friend of mine, and i swore it was in my photo albums (i have 3).
so i start going through them, and i see so many jw pics!
i had a huge group of friends when i was 'in', and so there is just pic after pic of assemblies, dinners, game nights, rbc projects, my family and the house i grew up in, people from the hall, etc.
" and so there is just pic after pic of assemblies, dinners, game nights, RBC projects, my family and the house I grew up in, people from the hall, etc. And I started crying..."
Yep....who of us hasn't had a moment or two just like that oruselves?? Sometimes we look at the past with rose colored glasses and are tempted to go back to the familiar and recreate the past only to find out the hard way that the old saying "you can't go home" is really true.
Fortunately you were wise enough to realize this and you quickly recovered.
there are a few active jws i know (separate, in different areas) who basically celebrate new years, having a party to watch the ball drop, posting about it on social media, one even saying literally "happy new year" .
but most other jws seem to not want to point out the elephant in the room.
has anybody else seen this, or ever seen it turn judicial?
The JW's I knew who got together on New Years Eve and did the count down etc, were also the ones who would hold a formal "Oscar" party on the night the Academy awards were given out in Hollywood. This was also a bit "iffy" but no one said anything about it (to anyones face at least).
this is an absolute must see for any exjw.
so we'll done and absolutly halerious.
enjoy peeps.
Those who swoon with surprise over JW organization having its own department for handling these sorts of arrangements reveal their own remarkable naïveté.
Very naive to think anyone is swooning over this however I'd have thought that the Legal Dept. would have handled the intake of donated properties but obviously there's enough of it going on to justify having an entire separate department dedicated to this. I'm a former Bethelite myself and my Sister in Law works in the Legal Department and this is news to me.
(Now...where are my smelling salts??)